Friday, March 23, 2012

Week in Review

I can't believe another week has gone by already. It caught me completely by surprise. This week we:

-Both got our reading mojo back! I finished my reread of The Hunger Games and am totally jazzed to see the movie now. Mr. Ford started rereading The Great Gatsby and is finding a whole new appreciation for it this time around. He is now totally jazzed for the Baz Luhrmann 3D film version...but bummed we have to wait till Christmas for it. Mr. Ford is thoroughly convinced Mr. Luhrmann is the perfect filmmaker to bring Gatsby to life. He now has me ready to reread it too. We're trading books when he's done. :) I love having my reading mojo working again.

-Spent a really wonderful evening with my parents. Dinner, an insanely good bottle of wine, and lots of laughter and life talk. It was one of the best evenings we've spent with them since everything with my grandmother hit the family so hard. We were so grateful for that time with them this week.

-Had some terribly revolutionary conversations about ourselves and our marriage that have us really excited about the future and left us with a better understanding of each other and ourselves and our purpose as a couple. God is good.

-Ate a LOT of ice cream. I, in particular, consumed a lot of various combinations of peanut butter, chocolate, and ice cream. And apparently that wasn't enough chocolate and peanut butter for me because I stopped at the CVS on my way home last night just to pick up a bag of Reese's to satisfy my cravings. And no, this is NOT a vague and veiled hint that I'm pregnant. There will be nothing vague about that announcement when it happens, I promise.

-I decided to take control of my awful cuticle-destroying habits that have gotten completely ridiculous. I bought myself a good nail file and some Burt's Bees cuticle cream that I have been rubbing on about every 5 seconds. This is probably not really worth mentioning, but it's a big deal for me. I shall conquer this, I shall! (10 points if you can name that movie...)

There was a lot of introspection happening this week, for me, and I am learning a great deal about myself. It's totally rocking my world. I am so grateful for the people and resources that God has used in this season of learning in my life. And I am awed by the timing of it all, coming together at just the right moments. He knows what He's doing. I continue to trust in that.

I hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to an even better weekend.

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