My roommates and forever friends. Coming up on our 10 year Friend-aversary! |
Well, it's been almost 3 months since last I blogged...what is that even about anyway?
Probably has a little to do with laziness.
Or a little with a lack of any coherent enough thoughts to throw out into the wild west of the internets.
Or busy-ness (what a cliché).
Or just general malaise.
Who knows, really...
But what I do know is I'm ready to dip my feet back in it and I needed something non-committal, non-intimidating, and non-heavy. So, I'm gonna tell you what I was into for the month of June and link up with What I'm Into over at HopefulLeigh! I know you're just dying to hear it, so let's get going!
Books I've Read:
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Dr. Brené Brown
Oh my gollee, you guys. THIS BOOK. Dr. Brown is a shame and vulnerability researcher and this book is chock full of insight from her research. I've been learning a lot about how dangerous shame is and how very much NOT of God it is the last couple of years and this book brought it all into clarity. It also brought me a defining moment of clarity about the "work" I'm meant to be doing. I'm still processing that one and figuring out what it will look like for me. this.
Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way by Shauna Niequist
I mean, it shouldn't be all that surprising to see Shauna's name round these parts again, considering my last post was a review of her newest book. Just whatever, man. I'm fairly certain Shauna is my spirit animal (I don't even know) and I cannot get enough of her words. This is her second book and I'm devouring it, just as I have all of her others. In the middle of this one now.
Books on My Nightstand:
Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott
Maybe this one has something to do with my moment of clarity while reading Dr. Brené...maybe. But wouldn't you like to know?
Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God by Margaret Feinberg
She spoke at a women's event at our church and I kinda fell in love with her. And because it's physically impossible for me to walk by a table piled high with books for sale and not buy one...well, now this one is on my nightstand.
On My TV (by which I mean, my laptop screen):
I watched all four seasons in about three weeks. That may have something to do with why I haven't blogged in awhile (at least for the last three weeks). I am SO IN LOVE WITH THE BRAVERMANS. I am also apparently fairly masochistic since the show made me cry every. single. episode. I just so appreciate that they tackle tough stuff and don't gloss over it. And that the characters are all flawed. Nothing makes me angrier than a "perfect" character. Plus, I heart Lauren Graham always and forever...even if she is kinda playing the same character as in Gilmore. Whatever...I don't even care. Anxiously waiting September for Season 5...fingers crossed for Sarah and Mark!
In My Ears:
A New Liturgy by Aaron Niequist
Yes, this is Shauna's husband. But that's not the point. The point is that these four modern day liturgies are transforming my prayer life and have become one of the places I can commune with Christ most honestly. The website describes "each Liturgy [as] a 25 minute journey of music, prayer, scripture, and space that helps open us to The Almighty in any location, season, community, or emotion". And that's exactly what they have been for me. This last month, I've been particularly focused on the "Lord, Have Mercy" liturgy as I've lit my vigil candle and cried out for mercy for a number of reasons and on behalf of a number of people. SO looking forward to Liturgy #5 being released in July.
Other Random Stuff I'm Loving:
-ice cold Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy...thank the heavens it's found its way to the West Coast
-sweet time with college roommates
-watching God's faithfulness revealed in the long anticipated marriage of my friends
-a weekend with my husband in OKC
-celebrating Mr. Ford's 28th birthday
-SCOTUS rulings on DOMA and Prop 8
-finally getting the bid for the work on the Ford Ranch nailed down
-walls coming down in the most unexpected places (figurative literal ones, yet)
-time and conversation with my Mom
I promise I'll be back soon with more to say...perhaps a check-in on my "OneWord"?
But for now, what about you? What have you been into this month?